



1.To predict earthquakes more     , they have done a lot of research to get more     data related to earthquakes. Thus, they will save lives with     . (accurate)

2.He noted that being able     7 percent growth in economy during the first half year was no small     ,but the goal of stable growth was     according to the prediction of economists.(achieve)

3.Doctor Bethune’s internationalism spirit is altogether     . People around the world,especially the Chinese, are full of     for him. (admire)

4.A good memory is his advantageous aspect for language learning, but lack of persistence is his     (advantage).

5.It was     to have such rainy weather. What     him most was that he forgot to take an umbrella with him. When he got to the office, he was wet through, which made him really     .(annoy)

6.The president of the board(董事会) announced the     of Julia Lewis as head of sales and briefly introduced the newly     leader. (appoint)

7.Experts have appealed to parents to have strict control over online games that are     (appeal) to children.

8.     anxious, Wang Ping told me that his flash drive(闪存盘)     and its     was like a golden key. From his expression, it     as if its     would bring a great loss to him. Just then, Li Hua     , telling us he had found a flash drive in the playground. (appear)

9.She     at the central park ahead of her classmates. On     , she set out to pick up plastic bags and other rubbish.(arrive)

10.There is little     of the damage to the natural environment.(assess)

11.(1)The artist’s creativity is     with living in foreign countries.(associate)

(2)The book was published in     with English Heritage.(associate)

12.She always     badly when her aunt comes to visit her. In other words, her     makes her aunt very angry.(behave)

13.Some people hold the view that it is impossible for children to     from computers. In fact, using computers has a     effect on children’s learning.(benefit)

14.Don’t get     to the factory     last month. It’s dangerous. We should watch     what is going on. (close)

15.The painting comes from a private     who has a large     of abstract paintings. (collect)

16.Over the past years, we have been     to the development of our company. I’d like to thank the staff for having shown such     . (commit)

17.Only qualified or invited     can compete in the final     in Shanghai.(compete)

18.I had     confidence in her at first. But later I     changed my mind. (complete)

19.Be a bit more     about yourself! In some way, your     will surely help you achieve success. (confident)

20.The hotel is     situated close to the beach. You can book your room at your    . In this resort, you can enjoy all the comfort and     of modern tourism. (convenient)

21.True     have the ability to create something new. Experimenting with materials to create something new can go a long way towards helping develop children’s     .In this way, they may become     people who have many new ideas. The problem they face is how to use these ideas     .(create)

22.The war has ended but the government spending on     is still increasing.(defend)

23.He     himself to a worthy cause. His     won respect of the public. (devote)

24.Last night I went to see a film     by a famous     . I found many of my former classmates     I arrived there.Under the     of the broadcaster, I finally found my seat. (direct)

25.We searched all morning for the missing papers and finally     them in a drawer. The     of the papers brought us a sense of relief. (discover)

26.Pupils should be given time     the passage with their classmates. There is no denying that further    will help deepen their understanding of the author’s expression.(discuss)

27.There is no     that Catherine is     about her future, for she     whether she can continue to work.(doubt)

28.When I was in trouble, the teacher     me to keep going. With her help and     , I worked hard until I succeeded. I’ll never forget her     words. (encourage)

29.(1)As a teacher, we must have love and patience. We must be     to the job. We should treat every student     .(equal)

(2)Don’t you believe in     between men and women?(equal)

30.Our parents have high     of us. They     us to enter a good university, find a good job and live a happy life. (expect)

31.At yesterday’s lecture, the professor     to us why the government couldn’t make a clear    for the attack.(explain)

32.In the letter I     that I would give him a present as an     of gratitude.(express)

33.The new study shows that the more birds     to light, the more active they are at night. Too much     may lead to them becoming exhausted and eventually dying from tiredness. (expose)

34.Our fashionable design and superior quality have been gaining     comments from our customers. Our latest version     by teenagers around the country for its practical function and fashionable appearance. Many consider it as their     . (favor)

35.Hearing her     arguments, I     to admit that I had done it wrong, wearing a     and embarrassed smile on my face. (force)

36.Seeing a little dog suddenly appear in front of my car, I slammed on the brakes without     . If I     for a second, the dog would have been killed. (hesitate)

37.I feel     to make a speech tonight to celebrate Mother’s Day in     of our mothers. (honour)

38.He     to start a business after graduating from college. Knowing his    , his parents praised him a lot.(intend)

39.Mr. Brown     Mrs. Brown in 2005, and they have a very happy    . Now they would like to see their daughter get     , settle down and have kids.(marry)

40.Grey decided to move to the countryside. His mother had no     to it, while his father    to it. (object)

41.The     father was     with his children. Whenever they made mistakes, he pointed them out with     and never shouted at them    .(patience)

42.That famous     is said to     a humorous     at yesterday’s evening party, which has left a deep impression on the audience. (perform)

43.Before the emergency can be controlled, no one will     to leave the community without     and they should stay at home as much as possible.(permit)

44.She works for a company that     electrical goods. Their     always enjoy great success when introduced to the market. The company’s new model will be in     early next year. (produce)

45.The town has changed beyond     since I left here. I could hardly     it when I saw its picture. (recognize)

46.In     to your question about cost, the ticket for the film is 35 yuan each.(refer)

47.Listening to music is one of my favorite     .     myself, I usually lie on the sofa, enjoying the     music. After that I always feel     .(relax)

48.That young man is honest and cooperative and he is always there when you need his help. In short, he’s     .(rely)

49.America     first by people who came from Asia about 25,000 years ago. In the 19th century, many Native Americans were killed by Europeans, the new     ,during the     of the American West. (settle)

50.All the members should realize the value and     of what they are going to do. (significant)

51.You can practice yoga to     the immune system and build up your     to make your body     than it used to be. (strong)

52.He     at the last meeting that we accept the     given by the teacher. (suggest)

53.Though     out after the whole day of     office work, she was busy making dinner for her family, regardless of her     . (tire)

54.After years of regular    , she gradually became healthy.(treat)

55.You should tell your teacher the     that Peter is a     honest person. (true)

56.The doctor said he was a     and was willing to participate in the     activities.(volunteer)


1.During the rosy years of elementary school(小学), I enjoyed sharing my dolls and jokes, which allowed me     (keep) my high social status.

2.I can’t bear not     (see) him again, for he is the most important person in my life.

3.If you don’t know how to behave     (you) at table in a foreign country, you should copy the host.

4.Children who have chances     (explore)natural areas tend to develop a strong love of science.

5.When he was only a boy, he was expected     (become) a world champion by his coach and parents.

6.If students get hungry on the long drives to and from school, Wilson never hesitates     (buy) them a meal.

7.Before the long journey, I insisted that the car     (be) in good condition while my father insisted that the car     (inspect).

8.According to some witnesses, the thief was observed     (enter) the bank when they passed by.

9.It’s said that the villagers oppose     (build) a chemical factory there.

10.The local traffic police don’t permit     on the streets and drivers are only permitted     their cars in parking lots. (park)

11.Because of the bad weather, we’ve decided to postpone     (hold)the graduation ceremony.

12.In his report, Dr. May didn’t refer to     (set)up a business branch in Paris in 2021.

13.We should consider the students’ request that more books on popular science     (provide) in the school library.

14.It won’t take long to clear up after the party if we all volunteer     (help).

三、在空白处填入1个适当的单词 —— 固定搭配

1.Accused     acting dishonestly in her business, she was in low spirits.

2.If you’re going to come, please let me know     advance.

3.I think what appeals     me about his painting is his use of color.

4.Nowadays,more and more people attach importance     their way of life and their state of mind.

5.When I was standing on the stage to be awarded, I couldn’t help thinking that this prize belonged     everyone of our team.

6.I have typed up some lecture notes     the benefit of those people who were absent last week.

7.True happiness comes when we learn to cherish and be content     what we have.

8.More and more people began to realize that nothing could be equal     the affection of parents for their children in the world.

9.It is feared that people living near the power station may have been exposed     radiation.

10.I use the Spring Festival as an example because it is familiar     most readers.

11.Would you please do me     favour to pass me the newspaper? I want to know the latest news.

12.I felt guilty     breaking my promise last time.

13.That year, the country set up a holiday     honour of the historian.

14.These early settlers owed their survival    hard work and firm determination to succeed at that time.

15.She has already tried her best. Please don’t be particular     her job.

16.If you don’t know the spelling of a word, you should refer    a dictionary.

17.    my regret, I cannot join you and your family, because I will be fully occupied with an important exam the day after tomorrow.

18.To stay     schedule, you must work on weekends and for extra hours.

19.My goal was to raise $50,000     support of the movement to end hunger.

20.We have a duty to lend them a hand when they are     trouble.

四、写出画线部分在语境中的含义—— 熟词生义

1.Scientists have advanced many theories about why human beings cry tears, none of which has been proved.

2.When young, Jack was very much attached to doing some reading before going to bed.

3.(1)Police dropped the charges against him for lack of evidence.

(2)Leave the battery on charge all night.

(3)My mobile phone is powered off.It needs to be charged.

4.More than two students have been concerned in this affair, so they have to give explanations.

5.I often confuse you and your twin brother.

6.What conclusion did you draw from the report?

7.I don’t feel easy about letting the kids go out alone.

8.No one equals him in playing football in our school.

9.(1) Mike’s mother liked reading. As her eyes began to fail, Mike read to her.

(2) They have found out the cause of this terrible accident — the brakes suddenly failed and the car got out of control.

10.They fitted a smoke alarm to the ceiling.

11.(1)The man-on-the-street interview is an interview in which a reporter hits the street with a cameraman to interview people on the spot.

(2)TOKNOW Magazine is a big hit in the world of children’s publishing, bringing a unique combination of challenging ideas and good fun to young fans every month.

(3)”You know,” Kurt said simply, “growth is not an automatic process.” And that’s when it hit me. I wasn’t doing anything on purpose to make myself better.

12.The government’s view is that raising taxes now will not be in the nation’s interests.

13.”There is a strong need in Paris for communication,” says Maurice Frisch , a regular at a local café who works as a psychologist in a nearby hospital.

14.He removed his wet shirt and threw it into a chair.

15.(1)The post has since gained the attention of social media users all over the world, receiving more than 184,000 shares and 61, 500 likes in just three days.

(2)We shared the belief that if you’re fortunate enough to have success, you should put something back.


1.His reputation for carelessness was established long before the latest problems     (arise).

2.The bear Emma     a little bear last year. Since then, Emma     the responsibility for taking care of him. (bear)

3.A conclusion can     (draw) from these surveys.

4.Your guidance makes us achieve what we     (dream) of. Thank you for being my teacher.

5.Some of the forests are about to disappear forever, for which humans’ destructive acts won’t     (forgive).

6.On arriving home, she     her coat on the hanger, sat on the couch and began to watch a film in which the hero

by the enemies. (hang)

7.His presence    (mean) that I had an unexpected teaching assistant in class whose creativity would infect(感染)other students.

8.With the exception of using a small microwave oven to heat food, no students     (permit) to cook in their rooms.

9.Under the present system, you’re innocent until     (prove) guilty.

10.On page 2 of your handout you can find a list of the books that I     (refer) to during the lecture yesterday.

11.British weather can never     (rely) on — it’s always changing.

12.They     (seek) for a place to shelter from the rain, but in vain.

13.A boat loaded with sand     into the lake yesterday when a group of sailors were searching for another     boat. (sink)

14.A complete project must     (submit) by March 10th.

15.He picked up the newspaper     (throw) away by the boy and     (throw) it into the dustbin.

16.(1)We set up our tables in the courtyard of a clinic, put up the Snellen chart (斯内伦视力表) by     (tie) it to the wall and began our work.

(2)     (tie) to a big tree, her pet dog was trying to break loose.


1.通过参与志愿者工作, 你将受益匪浅。(voluntary, benefit)

______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________2.她投身于教育事业,十分注重培养学生的学习兴趣。(devote, attach, interest)

______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________3.尽管有点儿难,但我们还是被允许在那个地区宣传吸烟的危害。令人惊喜的是,我们所做的事情吸引了许多当地居民。(allow, advertise, appeal)

4.生病之后他才意识到保持健康的重要性。现在,他每天都锻炼身体,还定期参加户外运动。(fit, join, regular)

5.我恐怕不能信守承诺与你讨论中国画了,对因此有可能造成的所有不便,我真诚地表示歉意。(promise, express, inconvenience)

答 案

主题二 人与社会



2.第一空考查be able to do sth.”能够做某事”,应填不定式to achieve; 第二空前有形容词small,且根据句意可知,此处意为”成就”,为可数名词,再结合前面的was可知,应填单数名词achievement;第三空用在was后,作表语,填形容词achievable。






8.分析句子结构可知,第一空应用非谓语动词作状语,表示”显得焦虑”,appear与其逻辑主语Wang Ping是主谓关系,故填Appearing;第二空表示”不见,消失”,且消失的动作发生在told之前,应用过去完成时,故填had disappeared; 第三空在形容词性物主代词its后,应用名词形式,表示”外观,外貌”,填appearance;第四空作谓语表示”看起来”,填appeared;第五空在its后,用名词形式,且表示”消失”,填disappearance;第六空作谓语,表示”出现,到来”,填appeared。

9.第一空作谓语,根据语境可知,此处表示过去的动作,应用一般过去时,填arrived;第二空用在介词On之后,用名词或动词-ing均可,填arrival/arriving,on (one’s) arrival/arriving表示”(某人)一到就……”。


11.(1)空处填associated,构成固定搭配be associated with。(2)空处填association,构成固定搭配in association with。


13.第一空填动词benefit,benefit from为固定搭配,意为”从……中受益”;第二空所填词修饰名词effect,应用形容词,故填beneficial。

14.get close to表示”靠近”,所以第一空应用表示具体意义的副词close;第二空应用非谓语动词作后置定语,表示”关闭的工厂”,填closed;第三空表示”严密地”,应该用表示抽象意义的副词closely。

15.第一空根据空后的who可知,空处应用表示人的名词,故填collector;第二空考查短语a collection of”一批……”,故填collection。

16.第一空考查短语be committed to,表示”投入……”,填committed;第二空在动词后作宾语,且其前有such修饰,应用名词,此处表示”奉献”,填不可数名词commitment。

17.只有合格的或被邀请的参赛者才能参加在上海的决赛。第一空作主语,表示”参赛者,竞争者”,填competitors; 第二空填名词competition,final competition表示”决赛”。




21.第一空作主语,表示”创造者”,填creators; 第二空用在名词所有格之后,表示”创造力,创造性”,填creativity;第三空用在系动词become之后,名词people之前,应用形容词creative,表示”有创造力的”;第四空修饰动词use,填副词creatively,表示”创造性地”。





26.第一空考查的是give sb. time to do sth.结构的被动形式,此处应填不定式to discuss;第二空作主语,应用名词形式,填discussion。

27.第一空用doubt,句型There is no doubt that…表示”毫无疑问……”;第二空用doubtful,为形容词作表语;第三空作谓语,主语为she,再结合句子时态可知,填doubts。



30.第一空作宾语,填名词expectations,have+adj.+expectations of sb.为固定搭配,意为”对某人抱有……期望”;第二空作谓语,填动词expect。



33.分析句子结构可知,第一空作谓语,且birds与expose为被动关系,故填are exposed;第二空作主语,应用名词形式,故填exposure。

34.第一空修饰空后的名词comments,应用形容词形式,填favorable;第二空作谓语,且favor与主语为被动关系,故填is favored;第三空根据空前的形容词性物主代词可知,空处应用名词形式,表示”特别喜爱的事物”,填favorite。

35.第一空作定语修饰名词arguments,用形容词forceful,表示”有说服力的”;第二空作谓语,主语I与动词force之间为被动关系,且由从句的时态可知,应用一般过去时的被动语态was forced;第三空用形容词forced作定语,表示”勉强的”。

36.第一空作介词without的宾语,用名词hesitation,without hesitation意为”毫不犹豫”;第二个句子是对过去情况的假设,用过去完成时,故第二空填had hesitated。

37.第一空,feel honoured to do sth.意为”做某事感到荣幸”,填honoured;第二空,in honour of 意为”为向……表示敬意”,填honour。


39.第一空作谓语,A marry B表示”A和B结婚”,由in 2005可知应填married;第二空作宾语,表示”婚姻”,用名词marriage;第三空get后应用married,表示结婚这一行为。

40.第一空考查固定搭配,have no objection to sth.”不反对某事”,故填objection;第二空作谓语,object to sth.表示”反对某事”,再结合语境可知填objected。

41.第一空修饰空后的名词father,表示”耐心的”,填patient;第二空作表语,考查be patient with sb.”对某人耐心”,填patient;第三空在介词with后,应用名词形式,with patience意为”耐心地”,填patience;第四空修饰谓语动词shouted,应用副词形式,且此处根据语境可知,表示的是”不耐烦地”,故填impatiently。

42.第一空应填performer,表示”演员”;第二空考查sb. is said to have done sth.”据说某人已经做了某事”,故填have performed;第三空,根据前面的不定冠词a及句意可知,应填名词performance,表示”演出”。

43.第一空作谓语,且permit与主语no one为被动关系,故用被动语态,填be permitted;第二空在介词后,应用名词形式,填permission。

44.第一空作谓语,表示”生产”这一动作,由works可知,此空填动词produces;第二空作主语,表示”产品”,填products;in production为固定用法,表示”在生产中”,第三空填production。

45.第一空作介词的宾语,change beyond recognition表示”变得面目全非”,填recognition;第二空在情态动词could后,填recognize。

46.此空作介词的宾语,in reference to表示”关于”,填reference。

47.第一空作介词的宾语,表示”休闲活动”,结合空前的one of可知填名词复数relaxations;第二空应用动词不定式表目的,填To relax;第三空作定语,表示”令人放松的”,填relaxing;第四空作表语,表示”放松的”,填relaxed。


49.大约25 000年前,从亚洲来的人首次在美洲定居。19世纪,许多美洲印第安人在美国西部的开拓过程中被欧洲人——新的定居者杀害。第一空作谓语,由by及时间状语可知,此处应用一般过去时的被动语态,故填was settled;第二空用在定冠词the后,作Europeans的同位语,应该用名词,根据句意可知,填settlers;第三空用在during the后,应该用名词,根据句意可知,表示”移居,开拓”,填settlement。



52.第一空作谓语,由the last meeting可知应填动词过去式suggested;第二空作宾语,填名词suggestion(s)。

53.分析句子结构可知,此处是Though引导状语从句的省略,省略了she was,由此可知,第一空应用形容词形式,表示人的感受,填tired;第二空作定语修饰其后的office work,应用形容词形式,填tiring;第三空在形容词性物主代词后,应用名词,填tiredness。





1.to keep allow sb.to do sth.允许某人做某事。但要注意,allow后接动词作宾语时,应用动词的-ing形式,构成allow doing sth. 允许做某事。

2.seeing can’t bear doing sth.表示”无法忍受做某事”。

3.yourself/yourselves behave oneself表示”表现得体”。

4.to explore have chances to do sth.表示”有机会做某事”。

5.to become expect sb. to do sth.表示”期望某人做某事”,此处为其被动形式。

6.to buy hesitate to do sth.表示”犹豫做某事”。

7.was;(should) be inspected 根据语境可知,第一个insisted表示”坚持说”,宾语从句应用陈述语气,且时态为一般过去时,故第一空填was;第二个insisted表示”坚决要求”,其后的宾语从句要用虚拟语气,即从句中的谓语要用”(should+)动词原形”,且此处inspect与从句主语car之间为被动关系,故用被动语态。

8.entering  observe sb. do/doing sth.表示”看到某人做/正在做某事”,根据语境可知,此处表示的是在某个时间点看到某人正在做某事,故应用entering。

9.building oppose doing sth.表示”反对做某事”。

10.parking; to park 第一空作permit的宾语,用动词-ing形式,permit doing sth.表示”允许做某事”;第二空作主语补足语,用动词不定式,sb. is permitted to do sth.表示”某人被允许做某事”。

11.holding postpone doing sth.”推迟做某事”为固定搭配。

12.setting refer to在此表示”提到,提及”,to是介词,后面跟动词时,要用动词-ing形式。

13.(should)be provided request”要求,请求”后跟同位语从句时,从句应用虚拟语气,即从句谓语形式为”(should +)动词原形”,且此处books与provide之间为被动关系,故用被动语态。

14.to help volunteer to do sth.表示”自愿做某事,主动要求做某事”。


1.of。 be accused of被指控。

2.in。 in advance提前。

3.to。 appeal to吸引。

4.to。 attach importance to重视……。

5.to。 belong to属于。

6.for。 for the benefit of为了。

7.with。be content with对……感到满意。

8.to。 be equal to比得上。

9.to。 be exposed to暴露于……。

10.to。 be familiar to为……所熟悉。

11.a。 do sb. a favour帮某人的忙。

12.about。 feel guilty about对……感到内疚。

13.in。 in honour of为了纪念……。

14.to。 owe…to…把……归功于……。

15.about/over。be particular about/over挑剔。

16.to。 refer to查阅。

17.To。 to one’s regret使某人遗憾的是。

18.on。on schedule按时。

19.in。 in support of支持。

20.in。 be in trouble陷入困境。


1.advance熟义:n. & v.进步,前进。此处作动词,表示”提出”,相当于come up with。

2.attach熟义: v.系,附上。此处be attached to表示”依恋,喜欢”,类似于be fond of。

3.charge熟义:n.收费,主管 v. 收费。句(1)中charge作名词,表示”指控,控告”;句(2)中charge作名词,表示”电荷,电量”;句(3)中charge作动词,表示”充电”。

4.concern熟义:n.关心,担心 v.使担忧。此处concern作动词,表示”涉及,牵涉”,类似于involve。



7.easy熟义:adj. 容易的。此处表示”不担心的”。

8.equal熟义:adj. 平等的,同等的。此处作动词,表示”比得上”。


10.fit熟义:adj. 健康的,合适的。此处用作动词,表示”安装”。





14.remove熟义:v.移开,拿开。在此处表示”脱去”,类似于take off。




2.bear→bore→borne。第一空根据时间状语last year可知,应用一般过去时,填bore,表示”生(孩子)”;第二空根据时间状语Since then可知,应用现在完成时,填have borne,bear the responsibility for表示”承担……责任”。

3.draw→drew→drawn。所填词与can一起构成谓语,A conclusion与draw之间为被动关系,应用被动语态,故填be drawn。

4.dream→dreamt/dreamed→dreamt/dreamed。所填词作谓语,dream这个动作在makes表示的动作之前发生,应用现在完成时,故填have dreamt/dreamed。注意:dream的过去式和过去分词有两种。过去式和过去分词有两种的动词常见的还有:burn→burnt/burned→burnt/burned; learn→learned/learnt→learned/learnt。

5.forgive→forgave→forgiven。所填词与won’t一起构成谓语, acts与forgive之间为被动关系,应用被动语态,故填be forgiven。

6.hang(悬挂)→hung→hung; hang(绞死)→hanged→hanged。第一空用hang的过去式hung,表示”悬挂”;第二空应用一般过去时的被动语态,故填was hanged, 表示”被绞死”。


8.permit→permitted→permitted。分析句子结构可知,句子的主语students和permit之间为被动关系,故应用被动语态;又根据语境可知,应用一般现在时,再结合no students可知,填are permitted。

9.prove→proved→proven/proved。此处为”until you are proved/proven guilty”的省略,故填proven/proved。


11.rely→relied→relied。所填词与can never一起构成谓语,British weather与rely on之间为被动关系,应用被动语态,故填be relied。

12.seek→sought→sought。根据but in vain可知,seek这个动作发生在过去,故应用一般过去时,填sought。


14.submit→submitted→submitted。project与submit之间为被动关系,应用被动语态,故填be submitted。

15.throw→threw→thrown。第一空所填词作后置定语修饰名词,故填throw的过去分词形式thrown;第二空所填词作谓语,由与其并列的谓语picked up可知,应填throw的过去式threw。

16.tie→tied→tied→tying。句(1)的空处位于介词by后,应用动词-ing形式,填tying;句(2)中已有谓语动词,因此空处应填非谓语动词形式,且tie与其逻辑主语pet dog为动宾关系,故应用过去分词形式,填Tied。


1.You will benefit a lot from being involved in voluntary work.

2.She devoted herself to the teaching career, and attached great importance to developing students’ interest in learning.

3.Although it was a little difficult, we were allowed to advertise the harm of smoking in that area. It was amazing that what we did appealed to a lot of local residents.

4.Not until he was ill did he realize the importance of keeping fit. Now, he takes exercise every day and also joins outdoor activities on a regular basis.

5.I’m afraid I won’t be able to keep my promise to discuss Chinese paintings with you. I sincerely express my apologies for any inconvenience it may have caused.




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