









在首期“科研的力量”栏目中,多位对自然科学和化学专业感兴趣的德胜学子们与剑桥大学材料科学教授Manish Chhowalla展开对话,围绕“材料领域”的前沿理论、学科发展、技术创新、实践应用等众多话题展开讨论和思考。



Manish Chhowalla









德胜学子与Chhowalla教授交流的第二个问题更加让学生们理解了“想法是创新的‘源头’ ”,学生们将新材料的话题深入到“如何将我们想象的材料创造出来”,教授以史蒂夫·乔布斯为了解决iPhone的屏幕碎裂问题,而使得康宁公司做出了Gorilla glass从而帮助苹果解决问题,也成就了自身的故事为案例,让学生们明白:有时候只需要有一个很聪明的想法就可以借助已有的科技手段来实现这些新概念。






在专业探讨之外,德胜同学们与教授所探讨的话题也延伸到如何平衡生活与学业的话题上,希望参考与学习教授在平衡工作与生活方面的经验。Chhowalla教授分享了自己陪伴孩子后利用其他时间工作的经历,并告诉了同学们“必须有工作,也必须有生活”。同时,教授也把自己叮嘱学生们的话传授给了德胜的同学们, 他说“请享受在实验室之外的生活,因为这会让你们在实验室里的表现得更好。”










举一个我学生的例子。他发现制造晶体管的材料也可以用来催化,用来把水分解成氢。这是怎么发生的呢? 如果你理解一个特定问题背后的基础科学,你就可以寻找具有能够解决这些问题的属性的现有材料。所以,你需要学到的最重要的事情就是找到解决问题时所面对的真正的基本科学挑战是什么。有许多种不同的方法可以来处理这些问题,包括设计一种新材料,以及设计或在现有材料中合并一种新属性。





我不知道你们是否听说过一个叫薛定谔的人,Erwin Schrödinger。薛定谔不太为人所知,但却和爱因斯坦一样重要,因为薛定谔描述了固体中有多少电子在运动。有一个著名的薛定谔方程用来描述电子运动。保罗·狄拉克探讨过“如果有一个电子以接近光速运动会怎样?”他试图用薛定谔方程来描述量子力学,他试图用“E=MC^2”来描述相对论,所以他发展了相对论性量子力学。













康宁公司也意识到,如果他们能开发出一款能够适用于iPhone的玻璃,他们将拥有巨大的商机。于是,康宁立即着手工作,在三个月内,他们发明了一种叫做Gorilla glass的玻璃。之所以叫它“大猩猩玻璃”是因为半毫米的这种玻璃便可以承载一只大猩猩的重量,而且玻璃不会碎。













这个博士生的名字叫Ray Dolby。我不知道你是否听说过杜比。如果你去电影院,我想在中国也有,电影院有关于杜比环绕声的广告。他发明了杜比声音,这是能听到的最清晰的声音。基于他的博士工作,他开发了一种消除电子噪声的数学算法。他说这对电子和噪音很有用。后来,他认为它更有助于消除噪音,发出清晰响亮的声音。从那以后,他变得非常富有,赚了很多钱,最近他捐给了剑桥大学3亿英镑用于科学计算。














正如您提到的,您在行业里和学术界都有工作,您有什么办法来平衡您的时间吗? 您有什么建议给我们吗?


我一直告诉我的学生,你必须有自己的工作,也必须有自己的生活。我的博士导师,他是一个非常聪明的人,他告诉我,生活就像一个三条腿的工具。一把椅子有三条腿,一条腿是工作,一条腿是你的个人生活、你的家庭和你的孩子,另一条腿是你的健康。你必须让所有的事情都井然有序,保持良好的平衡。如果其中一个不平衡,整个椅子就会掉下来。这是非常重要的, 所以,我总是确保我的学生和我的小组成员不要工作太多。









Interview Content


The material always just involves the discovery of design or the application of materials, is there something more than what we think it is?


It’s not always about discovering new material.It’s oftentimes utilizing existing materials in a new and innovative way.

So, as I give the example of my student, who discovered that the material that we were building transistors from is also good for doing catalysis, for splitting water into hydrogen. So how does that happen? That happens if you understand the fundamental science behind a particular problem, then you can look for existing materials with properties that can address those problems. So the most important thing that you can learn is what is the real fundamental scientific challenge for addressing something. And there are many different ways of hackling those problems, and it could be designing a new material, or designing or incorporating a new property within an existing material.

There are lots of different stages in material science for solving problems.It’s not always about innovating and discovering new material. We see what seems like an ordinary material, when we really understand the problem and look at the properties of ordinary material, we can see that it can be applied to something completely unexpected. And I think the really clever students understand the problems, and they look for materials that apparently seem ordinary. So, I’ll give you an example of that.

You might have heard of the material graphene. Graphene was discovered in 2004. But graphite has been around since the 1400s, so everybody knows what graphite is. And graphene is just simply graphite, but just one layer of graphite, so it’s been around, but taking graphite and processing it is completely different. You can extract one sheet of graphite, then you get this material, which is extraordinary. It has properties that are fundamentally different from anything that we had discovered or known before. So it’s not always about what I need to find new material, or if you understand what the problem is, then you can look for a material that will try to solve that problem. In the case of graphene, it’s a very interesting story, because graphene was discovered in 2004, but of course, it was always there. It was there within graphite because graphene is just a single sheet of graphite. But the people who made graphene that they didn’t do it accidentally.

So let me take a step back. In the 1920s, there was a student here in Cambridge. His name was Paul Dirac. Paul Dirac was a genius. He was at St. John’s College in Cambridge, and he was a genius and mathematician. Paul Dirac was working on a very difficult problem. You might have heard of Einstein. Einstein discovered something called the theory of relativity. So, he basically figured out how the universe behaves when something is moving at the speed of light. He did all this sort of, what’s called relativity and relativistic physics.

I don’t know if you’ve heard of some guy named Schrodinger, Erwin Schrödinger.Schrodinger is a less known guy, but just as important as Einstein because Schrodinger describes how many electrons move in a solid. And there is a famous Schrodinger equation that is used to describe electron motion. Paul Dirac said what if I have an electron moving close to the speed of light? So, he was trying to take the Schrodinger equation, which describes quantum mechanics, and he was trying to take E=MC^2, which describes relativity, so he developed something called relativistic quantum mechanics.

That is if you had an electron in a solid moving at the speed of light, how would we describe its motion?And Paul Dirac came up with a very famous equation called the Dirac Equation. The mathematics that he developed basically describes how electrons move in solid because it encompasses the Schrodinger equation as well, so he was able to determine the spectrum of hydrogen and lots of different things. In the 1920s, none of these things were clear, and it was just very few things were known. But then he came up with an equation way back in the late 1920s to early 1930s, and he won the Nobel Prize and so forth.

So the basis is we’re looking for the material.How do we get electrons moving at very high speeds close to the speed of light? We can accelerate electrons in something called colliders, or synchrotrons. I don’t know if you’ve heard of the Large Hadron Collider, it’s an accelerator where the electrons are really accelerating very fast through this ring. And there you can see many of the physics that Dirac spoke about. But physicists in the late 1990s realized that there were certain materials that could have electrons moving at the speed of light in the material. And I won’t go into a sort of a long story, but if you look at there were some calculations that were done, and they showed that if you look at a single sheet of graphite called graphene, you will see electrons moving at speeds that were close to the speed of light. So you could observe many of the things that direct predicted in the twenties in graphene.

Then for about five years, people were trying to figure out how to make graphene. And of course, the way they made graphene was a very simple method. I don’t know if you know how graphene was made, but if you just take graphite, and then if you just take some tape, like Scotch tape that you use to tape some paper, and you can peel off graphene layers, just by the Scotch tape method. So, when they made graphene and they made some measurements, they found that electrons indeed move at the speed of light in graphene, close to the speed of light in graphene. All of the things that Dirac had predicted came true. But instead of having a large collider, which is over several miles, you can do it on a desktop. You can observe this cool and interesting physics in graphene.

There are cool, interesting physics. That it’s the cool, interesting physics enabled by this material, not a new material, but is a material that’s always been there. But isolating this material will allow us to build the kinds of devices right that we’re not familiar with right now. Because electrons and graphene behaved in a fundamentally different way than electrons behave in silicon. Silicon is the material that we use for building all of our electronics, but the electrons and graphene behaving a completely new way.

And so when we do electronics, what is electronics?Electronics are based on electrons. That’s what it’s called Electronics. It’s the electron that stores information. When you send a WeChat message, it’s just a whole bunch of electrons moving around, going from one place to the other. If we can understand how electrons move in a fundamentally different way in graphene compared to silicon, then we can think about electronic devices that are fundamentally different than our current electronic devices, which are based on silicon.

I know this is a long question. Answer to your question,so it’s not that you need to discover new material.You just have to find the material it may already exist, right? And that will allow you to do this new kind of chemistry, new kind of physics, new kind of electronics, new kinds of optics, that hopefully will translate into a totally new kind of device. In 10 to 15 years from now, you’ll say to your children, or maybe 15 years or 20 years from now, you say to your children that graphene made that device.


You have mentioned that we need to imagine the thing in the future like we need innovation, but how do you link the materials that we want to create?


I’ll give you an example. So, if you look at it again, the iPhone. The iPhone is a great example. The idea of Steve Jobs at Apple came up with this design concept. But many of the components that were required for the iPhone were not available yet. So a very simple thing is when they made an iPhone, one of the first prototypes, what they found was that the glass of the iPhone would get easily scratched and damaged, so they made everything else. But then they realized that when they put the glass cover, the glass is just easily cracked and easily scratched by the smallest thing, it would get scratched. So they said, we cannot sell this iPhone where the entire device will be destroyed because of the glasses.

Then they went to a glass company named Corning, and they said, we need a glass cover that will not be damaged. We need something that will not be scratched because it’s destroying our electronics underneath. Corning said, we want to help you. And they also realized that if they can develop a glass for the iPhone, they will have a huge business. So Corning immediately went to work, and within three months, they came up with a glass that is called Gorilla Glass. The name of the glass that is on top of this thing, it’s called gorilla glass. The reason why they call it gorilla glass is that you can have a very half a millimeter of this glass, and a gorilla can stand on it, and the glass won’t break.

What they did was a concept, there was an idea in mind. Steve Jobs had an idea in mind for this iPhone. And there were many components of the iPhone that were not solved. But basically, he said he went to the companies and said, we need your help to solve these problems. And so the gorilla glasses are a very simple example because it was the last thing, and it was actually not a new glass that Corning develop. In fact, they had discovered this kind of technology for making very strong glass in the 1950s. But they had no use of this technology. They didn’t say that we don’t need this technology right now. But then when Apple came along to say that they needed something that was scratch resistant, something that was very strong, and there was a huge market for this glass, because every iPhone, every quality phone, every Samsung phone, would meet this kind of glass. They said, okay, we’ll start producing it.

It’s interesting because sometimes, you don’t know what kind of material you need. And sometimes you have a material, and it has these wonderful properties, but you don’t know what it’s useful for. So, through innovation and through discovery, you can develop so many different components. They made the battery smaller. They made the touch screen technology. They figured out how to cut the glass very precisely. All of these things were not thought about before the iPhone was imagined. By imagining this iPhone concept, Steve Jobs created all of this new technology using some old materials, some new materials, some new processes, some new programming, and some new interfaces. Before the iPhone, there was no App development. Now, anyone can develop it. So sometimes you have a really clever idea, it can really enable these new concepts in materials. And sometimes new materials can develop and enable new devices, but sometimes new device concepts can enable new material.


In my opinion, programming is a very important skill in our daily life, and a lot of our products and Apps need programming to support them. So, when you are doing research or you’re discovering a phenomenon, do you do programming to attach your data, to see or to find whether your data is feasible, and to proof your idea is true?


Yeah, that’s a very important point.Material science now very heavily uses computation. We do lots of theoretical calculations if we had this material and this chemical and to see how they would interact.We can utilize machine learning, and artificial intelligence to give us some understanding of what the material properties will be, the device properties will be, before we try experiments. Oftentimes when we do experiments if we get something unexpected and we don’t quite understand, we’ll use programming to do some simulations to understand whether that experimental result is feasible or not. The place where we use software and programming is to analyze our data. Sometimes we produce tons of gigabytes of data from measurements, and it’s very difficult for us to go through that data individually. We have to develop programs and algorithms that will sip through the data, process the data, and extract the key information. So, this is extremely important.

We also utilize artificial intelligence and machine learning for our research. If we are doing many experiments, we want to learn something quickly from the data, instead of having a student sort of going through it, we’d like to utilize machine learning, where many different things are tried. The data is sort of interpreted, and trends are recognized by the algorithm, because it’s very hard for humans to pick up on all of that information, especially when we have gigabytes of data that’s produced from each experiment or measurement.

All of the students learn software, and they learn different algorithms. It’s very interesting because oftentimes Cambridge studentsthink laterally all the time. It was a long time ago, there was one student that was working on developing an algorithm to get rid of some noise and electronic signals. His colleagues were making some measurements, and the measurements were very noisy, and it was not clear. It is like a photograph, and the photograph is fuzzy. That fuzziness is the noise. So he was working out to automatic remove the noise, so you get a very nice, clear image.

He was doing this for electronic signals, and he developed some algorithms. He was doing his Ph.D., and he said, this could be very interesting for sound. So what he said was that because electronic noise is just electron waves with some additional waves which are noisy, and the noise waves are overlapped with the signal waves. If you can get rid of the noise, then you can have a high signal Then he said, I could apply this not only to electronics but also optics, I can also apply to sound. So he applied this algorithm to reduce access noise in the sound. And in that way, you get a very clear sound.

The Ph.D. student’s name was Ray Dolby. I don’t know if you’ve heard of Dolby. If you go to the cinema, I think it’s in China as well, the cinema has some advertisements and it’s Dolby Surround Sound. He developed Dolby Sound, which is the clearest sound that you can get. Based on his Ph.D. work, which is to develop a mathematical algorithm to eliminate electronic noise. And he said it’s useful for electronics and noise. Later, he thought it was more useful for removing acoustic noise, to make a clear and loud sound. So now from that, he became extremely wealthy. In fact, he made so much money that recently he gave 300 million pounds to the university, for computation, there’s a long history of these things.

Lateral thinking is extremely important. There was also another sort of case. There were some people that were trying to connect two devices, this was in the early 2000s, and they got tired of connecting them with wires. Both of them were PhDs in radio technologies.They developed this method to transmit information in very short distances using radio waves. They started a company, which was called Cambridge Silicon Radio, CSR. You might not have heard of CSR, but CSR is the company that developed Bluetooth technology. My headphones here are connected to the computer by Bluetooth technology. They did their Ph.D. in something relate to radio waves, but then they thought latterly and decided, they realize that you could actually have used these radio waves to communicate and transmit information.

There’s a lot of sort of intermixing of different technologies and different knowledge, Here in Cambridge, which comes from a sort of thinking outside the box, developing algorithms, developing materials, working together. Then you realize that your Ph.D. research is not always the most useful, but it can be useful for the thing that you’re trying to do during your Ph.D., and it can be very useful for something that you never thought of.


I’m very struggling with choosing the directions or majors I want to study at the university, so I’m curious what things decided you to study in this field, in material science before you apply to the university?


I did my undergraduate in the US, and I did my Ph.D. in Cambridge, and the US system is very different. Because my parents were Asian parents, Indian parents, they told me that you have to do engineering. And they wanted me to do electric engineering. So I went and applied to the engineering school, and I got into the engineering school. But you did not have to pick which engineering right away. You can wait a year to pick engineering. I waited one year, and I chose material science, but in the UK, you have to pick what you want to do right away. When you apply, you have to apply for chemistry or whatever major that you want to apply for. I think that’s very difficult. I have to admit that at your age, my son is the same age as you are. He’s 16 years old, he’s doing IGCSE and he selected A-Level courses. When he applies to university in the UK, he’ll have to go into those subjects. I am trying to tell him that go to the US for university because you get your first year in the university to decide what you want to do. Because I don’t know, as a teenager, whether you can know what you want to do for the rest of your life. It’s a very difficult decision.But what I would say is to be independent of that, try to do the things that you like to do.

My students who are really successful are the ones who are really passionate about material science or about subjects that they’re working on, and they really enjoy it.And the ones that are not quite sure that they like it, or have not found what they like, they’re also very good, but they tend to sort of struggle a little bit more. I know that there’s a lot of pressure to select different things, but I can understand my parents’ situation now because I am a parent myself. The parents want you to select something where you’ll be successful and you should really try to select.

My friend’s daughter just went to university, and she came number one in her schools. She was a valid Korean, very smart. Everything was top level, and she has decided to go to, I don’t know if you’ve heard of the school in New York City, it’s a very famous school called Julliard, to do the dance. My friend is a scientist, and a professor here in the material science department. He says he doesn’t know what she’s going to do after she goes to university, but she is extremely smart, and she wants to do dance instead of chemistry or physics. I’m not suggesting that you do anything like that, but my point is that she will be successful because she has decided that she’s doing something that she loves to do. So whatever hardship she has, she will be okay with it, because she will enjoy doing what she wants to do.So whether you choose chemistry, material science, physics, or anything like that, just make sure that is something that you want to do.


As you mentioned, you work on both sides, you work for the industry and also the academic. I think it would be really busy when you handle so much work, so do you have any ways to balance your time, and do you have some advice for us?


I tell my students all the time that you have to have your work, and then you have to have your life as well.My Ph.D. adviser, he’s a very wise man, and he told me that life is like a three-legged tool. A chair has three legs, one leg is work, one leg is your personal life, your family, your children, and the other leg is your health. You have to keep all of these things in good order, in good balance. If one of them is unbalanced, the whole chair falls down. This is extremely important, so I always make sure that my students and my group members don’t work too much.

I work all the time, but I have two teenage boys as well, and I want to spend a lot of time with them too. They like to play football. They like to play basketball, so I take them around, I participate in everything in there in their life. I help them with their school. Also, my wife does all of these things as well, but she’s also a teacher, so she also has her job, so we try to balance, but what that means is that I have to work whenever I have free time. My children were very young, I would make sure that when they were coming home from school, then I spent time with them. I eat dinner with them, and when they went to bed, I did my work. But I didn’t want to miss the time with them.

I have a researcher in my group, and I always make a lot of fun with her, because her husband is doing a Ph.D. at Peking University, and her baby is a baby boy, with her parents in China. But I say this is not good. You should bring the baby boy here, spend time with the baby boy because he’s growing up, but I know the culture is very different, but I think you have to. What I tell my students is that life is not just about work, you want to enjoy every part of the other things in life as well. And I strongly encourage that have been successful both at my job and also being good parents. My wife and I took care of the children together. And I think everyone should do that. I always encourage it. So now she’s going to bring her child here because I convinced her that it’s very important for both the child and her to spend time together. And there’s a lot of help here with childcare and things like that.

There’s a lot of focus on work, but my feeling is that you cannot work efficiently for more than eight to 10hrs a day. I think if you spend more time in the lab beyond that, then you are not really working efficiently. Because your mind is not fresh after so long being in the company.So I tell the students that please enjoy their life outside the lab because it will make them better in the lab.





































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