











Shanghai Normal University

The Department of Photography of the School of Film and Television of Shanghai Normal University was established in 2005 and is affiliated to the Department of Advertising. It is currently one of the two public institutions of higher learning in Shanghai that only majors in photography, with a master’s degree in photography.This major is based on the overall school-running mission of Shanghai Normal University; it satisfies the social development needs of Shanghai and the Yangtze River Delta region, and serves the country and Shanghai’s overall strategy; it has an international perspective and reflects the forward-looking, leading and leading talent training of Shanghai Normal University. Dominance.

It is mainly reflected in the cultivation of practical, creative and comprehensive talents in photography and imaging. Able to work as photographers, videographers, post-technicians, editing and broadcasting personnel, image creative planning, curatorial copywriting, etc. in enterprises and institutions such as party and government state-owned enterprises, cultural advertising, film and television media, and creative Internet.The senior academic leaders of this major are Professor Lin Lu, a well-known photography theorist, and Associate Professor Zhou Ming, a well-known photographer. Both professors are well-known in the international and national photography circles. Professor Lin Lu focuses on photography theory, photography history, and photography culture; Associate Professor Zhou Ming focuses on art practice training, black and white photography creation, and black and white darkroom technology research. It provides a solid foundation for talent training, discipline construction, education and teaching of this major. At the same time, the youth teaching team led by Associate Professor Dai Fei, Dr. Zhu Jie, and Dr. Lu Zhao has become the backbone of the profession, providing a new direction for talent training in new fields for this profession.

张舒凡 Zhang Shufan

《二元之城 》


《The City of Duality》

In the early stage of shooting, the work explored the current situation of ecological governance in Shanghai, Shandong, Zhejiang and other places, using drones as a shooting tool, and presented in the form of a picture split in the middle and split in two. Through field surveys in many regions of the country, different environmental pollution problems have been photographed and sorted out according to different industrial categories in different provinces and cities, aiming to attract people’s attention to ecological governance through the work “The City of Two Elements”, and make contributions to biodiversity and sustainable ecological development.

靳哲 Jin Zhe



《I have roamed the whole universe》

I grew up very close to my grandparents. As I left my hometown for college, the time we spent together became shorter and shorter. When I accompanied Grandma on a trip this year, I suddenly found that her eyesight was worse than I thought. My grandparents are no longer as young as I remember. “I once roamed the whole universe” is the name of a song written in Grandpa’s notebook, and music is an important part of Grandpa’s and Grandma’s youth. I learned about the stories of my grandparents when they were young through old objects, and tried to use photography to awaken the young shape of the two old people. I hope they can stay young forever. Grandpa and Grandma have roamed the whole universe, so you should always accompany me……

黄盼盼 Huang Panpan


我见证了一段生命的陨落,我看过梦里的一切蹉跎…… 我所拍摄的《本我》作品出自于我的思维跳跃,重在表达自身的灵魂,将风筝比拟翅膀象征自由的向往,着重灵魂的生命力 ; 抓住眼睛,冲出画面,着重思绪的内驱力;唇齿的碰撞,着重内心的冲动欲望;梦里的一切,又好像看到不一样的东西,着重人格的本能;思绪的背面,是黑与白的遐想……而我所想看到的就是能够激发人的本我,发现原始的冲动及内心世界。


I have witnessed the fall of a period of life, and I have seen all the waste in my dreams… The work of “I” I shot comes from my thinking jump, focusing on expressing my own soul, comparing kites with wings to symbolize the yearning for freedom, and focusing on the vitality of the soul; Grasp the eyes, rush out of the picture, and focus on the internal drive of thoughts; The collision of lips and teeth focuses on the inner impulse desire; Everything in the dream seems to see something different, emphasizing the instinct of personality; On the back of my thoughts is the reverie of black and white… What I want to see is that I can stimulate people’s id and discover the original impulse and inner world.

吴依伊 Wu Yiyi



《Growth Relationship》

The group of works “Growing Relationship” was created after the epidemic in the year of Gengzi, which meant to think about and find the close relationship between man and nature. In the process of social reform and change, human beings have transformed the natural environment and created new landscapes of mountains, mountains and rivers. The traces of human creation in nature have also become temporary landscapes. Some are natural landscapes abandoned in the historical process, some are artificial landscapes created by current people’s aesthetics, and some are naturally formed over the years. Human hopes and pursuits for a new life are superimposed into the environment. They are the result of the formation of natural order, There are interdependence, mutual resistance, closeness and alienation, absurdity and abruptness.

周文浙 Zhou Wenzhe

《由瓷开始 》



《 Starting from Porcelain》

Starting from Porcelain was shot in my hometown Jingdezhen. Ceramics are the foundation of Jingdezhen and the source of Jingdezhen’s name. Jingdezhen has a long history and a single handicraft industry, which is unique in the history of urban development in the world. This also shows that ceramics have created Jingdezhen today. Without ceramics, there would be no Jingdezhen today. When Guo Moruo came to Jingdezhen to investigate, he wrote the famous sentence “China is the country of porcelain, and the peak of porcelain industry is the capital”, praising Jingdezhen’s porcelain industry as the peak of the porcelain country.

Seeing ceramics, people will think of Jingdezhen; Seeing Jingdezhen, people will think of ceramics. However, people only saw the beautiful appearance of porcelain, but did not see the hardships behind the masters. People were amazed at the perfection of porcelain, but did not know the exquisite process. People exclaimed at the high price of porcelain, but did not realize the sweat paid for subdividing many processes.

胡浙棋 Hu Zheqi



《Deep-Rooted Love for Natural Charms》

Deep-Rooted Love for Natural Charms originates from the ancient Chinese Book of the Old Tang Dynasty, Tian Youyan Biography: “The minister said that the springs and rocks are overgrown, and the chronic disease of Yanxia is that you are lucky to be free after meeting the saints.” Smoke and clouds have been the things people yearn for since ancient times. In modern and contemporary landscape photography, the social status quo or environmental impact has given photographers a lot of space to think and reflect. Beautiful things form a contradiction with the real environment, just like the changeful and stable landscape.



澳大利亚参展院校: 昆士兰艺术学院

日本参展院校: 大阪艺术大学、东京造形大学、日本九州产业大学




马来西亚参展院校: 拉曼大学学院

泰国参展院校: 兰实大学

印度尼西亚参展院校: 印尼日惹艺术学院

中国台湾地区参展院校: 明道大学




承办单位:西安理工大学艺术与设计学院 、山东工艺美术学院




学术主持: 姚璐


Agatha Bunanta(印度尼西亚)、Ampannee Satoh(泰国)、Ang Song Nian(新加坡)、敖国兴、白晓丹、戴菲、邓岩、董钧、Eiffel Chong(马来西亚)、Erzan Adam(新加坡)、胡晓阳、吉川直哉(日本)、贾方、矫健、Lachlan Gardiner(澳大利亚)、Laleper Aytek(土耳其)、李小舟、林简娇、刘阳、Nadia Oh Sueh Peng(新加坡)、Oh Soon-Hwa(韩国)、Salleh Japar(新加坡)、沈洁、史民峰、Tan Tay Guan(马来西亚)、Ugrid Jomyin(泰国)、王培蓓、王帅、杨赫、姚璐、张朴、张省会、中里和人(日本)












1、作品类型、风格、主题不限,但必须是以一个完整的专题形式呈现,须提供主题阐述、摄影师的近期 形象照 及个人简介200字左右,其他可以提供包括个人联系方式、摄影经历、荣衔资历,重要获奖、摄影感悟等。

2、个人作品集(每组15-30张,文件格式:JPG,图片宽度 大于3840像素 ,或者文件 大于5M ,不得有水印)须有每幅作品的标题或图片内容说明。

3、将以上两组文件打包压缩成RAR或ZIP格式发送网站编辑部,万能邮箱: cnphotos@163.com 。

4、入选作品,将在签约摄影师作品赏析名家经典等栏目刊登, 其作品也将登记入库,作图片销售代理,优秀作品将推荐人民网、人民摄影报、澎湃新闻等媒体刊发,同时, 将有资格参与中国摄影网十佳摄影师评选 ,入编《中国摄影网》杂志期刊,颁发签约摄影师证书、入展证书。



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