


But hard disk drives(HDDs) becomes more expensive with time and scale, Brume adds, making its use a pricey hassle with systems that continuously pump out large batches of data, like autonomous vehicles. The average driverless car system will generate upwards of 400 terabytes a year: If you have millions of cars all doing the same, then companies will easily get crushed by HDDs. Across the industry, the total cost to store a terabyte of data on HDD deep density storage (including infrastructure operations costs) ranges from approximately $0.70 to approximately $0.80 per month, according to Brume.


It can be learned from the text that___.

A.hard disk drives are popular in car industry

B.deep density storage cost more than usual

C.autonomous vehicles produce a lot of data

D.Brume favor HDD as a means of storage

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But hard disk drives(HDDs) becomes more expensive with time and scale, Brume adds, making its use a pricey hassle with systems that continuously pump out large batches of data, like autonomous vehicles.



The average driverless car system will generate upwards of 400 terabytes a year: If you have millions of cars all doing the same, then companies will easily get crushed by HDDs.

参考译文:无人驾驶汽车系统平均每年会生成超过400 TB的数据:如果有数百万辆汽车都在做同样的事,那么企业很容易就被硬盘压垮了。


Across the industry, the total cost to store a terabyte of data on HDD deep density storage (including infrastructure operations costs) ranges from approximately $0.70 to approximately $0.80 per month, according to Brume.

参考译文:根据布鲁姆的说法,在整个行业中,在高存储密度硬盘上存储1 TB数据的总成本(包括基础设施运营成本)从每月约0.7美元到0.8美元不等。


It can be learned from the text that___.


A. hard disk drives are popular in car industry


B. deep density storage cost more than usual


C. autonomous vehicles produce a lot of data


D. Brume favor HDD as a means of storage



正确答案比较简单,第一句话很直接的就说了“that continuously pump out large batches of data, like autonomous vehicles.” 自动驾驶汽车会产生大量数据,甚至都不需要你转换什么逻辑,很直白的就告诉你了。





hard disk drives 硬盘驱动器(HDD)

pricey adj. 昂贵的

hassle n. 麻烦

continuously adv. 不断地

pump out 泵出

batches of 很多批次

autonomous vehicles 自动驾驶汽车

driverless adj. 无人驾驶的

generate v. 产生

upwards of 超过

terabytes n. 太字节(TB)

get crushed 被压碎

HDD deep density storage HDD 深密度存储

infrastructure n. 基础设施

operations n. 操作

ranges from…to… 范围从…到…

approximately adv. 大约


store v. 贮存




Can we store data forever?(我们能永远存储数据么?)




ChatGPT usage has also led to data privacy scandals involving the leak of confidential company data, along with ChatGPT users being able to see other people’s chat histories and personal payment information. Artists and photographers have raised additional concerns about AI-generated artwork threatening their professional livelihoods, all while some companies train generative AIs on the work of those artists and photographers without compensating them. AI-generated imagery can also lead to mass misinformation, as demonstrated by fake AI-created pictures of US president Donald Trump being arrested and Pope Francis wearing a stylish white puffer jacket, both of which went viral.



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